Development of bio fuel in Indonesia is an attractive phenomenon. Since 2006 when the program began, all elements of public society had desire to involve. It was a good thing, in the term of we should shift our energy orientation to non fossil energy to gain better energy sustainability in the future. Energy diversification is a direct consequence of declining curve of energy fossil production in Indonesia. Developing of bio fuel is consists of bio ethanol and bio diesel by using cassava, molasses, palm oil, and jatropha curcas as raw materials. We're emphasis in jatropha curcas on this
The goal of this project is to explore what kind of specific policy and regulation in order to develop bio fuel based on jatropha curcas which can be projected to
increase prosperity level of remote villages, scattered, affordable, easiness to process and can be utilize by small scale and household. This project is limited to
the scope of research of development policy and regulation in order to optimize the production and utilization on bio fuel based on jatropha curcas. We considered using qualitative methodology to gain optimal result by conducting interview to stakeholder that involve in jatropha curcas base bio fuel development.
The project found that comprehensive government policy is needed to raise development of jatropha curcas base bio fuel. In the other hand, government has a less commitment on this development program.