digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Oilfield maturity and oil production declining worldwide becomes the main reason that makes many companies have been trying to improve the recovery factor of the reservoir reserves with many methods in term of drilling, production and reservoir engineering. Dealing with that condition, radial drilling technology seems as an alternative, because with applying radial drilling technique we can improve the drainage efficiency from the known layer. It means that radial drilling technique become as a promising method to be applied in many mature oilfields worldwide. Radial drilling technique has been tested, developed, and applied in more than 500 wells and has already reach more than 27000 feet (8230 m) hole length. Radial drilling was applied to increase wellbore drainage radius which can increase hydrocarbon production from 200% until 400%. This paper shows the cutting transport calculation process for several value of jet flow. The study of this paper is based on radial drilling case in Golfo San Jorge Basin (Argentina), with those field data we can calculate the optimum ROP using solid content sensitivity analysis for each jet flow value and as the result of this paper is the relationship between the value of ROP, solid content, and jet flow value. The results of this paper study can be applied in other oilfields as long as the oilfield's drilling tool configuration is same with the configuration of Golfo San Jorge Basin drilling tools which used in this paper calculation. But the cutting transport calculation procedure in this paper can be applied in any oilfields.