digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Textile industry is characterized by its high-dependence to synthetic dyes, which are resistant to natural degradation. Recent researches showed effective results of treating the wastes by using white rot fungi. In this research, a pilot plant scale bioreactor is used to observe the best support configuration and modus operandi. It is expected that the outcome of this research will contribute a significant step forward of treating textile dyes using fungal based bioreactor. As variables of the research are support configuration, 2 and 3 beds, in addition to modus operandi, trickling and immersion system. Research is conducted using Indonesia strain Marasmius sp. isolate, grown on palm oil fiber. The wastewater treated is obtained from textile industry. These experiment results show that the most significant decolorization process occurs after 5 days of treatment in trickling system and 2 weeks in immersion system. Color intensity analysis provides that average absorbance the peak wavelength (676 nm) is declines from 0.5 A to 0.02 A. Overall, this research concludes that trickling system gives better result compared to immersion system. It can be inferred that decolorization of textile wastewater utilizing trickling system with Marasmius sp. results in promosing outcome and potency to be developed to industrial scale.