digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Proper design of protection scheme is one of the problems that arise when distributed generation penetration occurs. This is due to the change in in system condition from previously radial to multi-source causing the magnitude and flow of the fault current also change. Therefore, the conventional protection schemes that do not consider the direction of flow become insufficient to protect the system. So adaptive protection scheme that can that can adjust its settings dynamically depending on the condition of the system is needed to keep the system safe. The proposed adaptive protection scheme is carried out on the IEEE 3-bus test system on two conditions, the absence and penetration of distributed generation. The algorithm calculation used MATLAB and then verified by Power Factory 2020 to clean the 3 phases, 2 phases, phase-ground and 2 phases – ground fault current. This algorithm also uses contribution current to prevent the occurrence of protection blinding and sympathetic tripping on this protection scheme. The benefit of the proposed protection scheme is to maintain selectivity of relay operations despite changes in system topology.