digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Waterflooding is one of method that used to increase reservoir recovery in oil and gas industry. In this era, an advance – efficiently and economically – reservoir characterization should be done. To do so, Capacitance Model (CM) can be used to quantify communication between wells in a reservoir. CM only requires production and injection history, which are the most abundant data gathered throughout the production life of reservoir. Furthermore, this model can be used to field in which wells are shut in frequently or for long periods time, the rates have a remnant of primary production, and has the capability to incorporate bottomhole-pressure (BHP) data if available. The performance of two representations are analyzed: single tank (CMT) and producer based (CMP). CMT will be used to monitor the impact of the waterflooding for the entire field and the CMP will be used to allocating the water for each injector well.