digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) is one of the artificial lift methods that could be applied to geothermal wells to improve the production of geothermal fluids. There have been many ESPs applications in fields with low-medium enthalpy reservoirs and Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) fields that have proven successful in foreign countries such as the United States and Honduras. Meanwhile in Indonesia, ESP technology has never been applied because Indonesia is still focused on geothermal field exploration and field development projects with high-enthalpy reservoirs. This study will focus on the ESP installation in the “X” Geothermal Field. The objectives of this study is to analyze and evaluate the completion test and production test data to understand the condition of the existing wells in the field, determine the optimum ESP design to be implemented in the well, and provide recommendations to improve the economic and field side with low-medium enthalpy reservoirs. Understanding the characteristics and estimation of well production capability is the initial stage for the development of feasibility studies for ESP applications in wells on “X” Geothermal Field. The calculation in determining the most optimum ESP design is done by determining the depth of the pump, the pump suction pressure, the total distance required for the pump to lift the geothermal fluid, and last, selecting the type of pump. The calculation results show that the well in the "X" Geothermal Field can be implemented by ESP with designs such as the depth of the pump at 740 m, the production capacity of 25.03 kg/s, the distance required for the pump to lift the geothermal fluid of 2,578.1 ft, the efficiency of 73%, there are 48 total stages required, and the power required to power the ESP is 223.71 kW.