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ABSTRAK Siti Noor Aisyah
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Evaluation is very important to be carried out by an expert in petroleum engineering to determine the number of reserves and characteristics stored in a reservoir. Evaluation is also carried out to estimate the age of the reservoir based on its production data. This is important because a reservoir that has been produced will experience a decrease in its production rate over time. Several methods for predicting a well’s performance include material balance, decline curve analysis, volumetric calculation, and reservoir simulation. The "K" field is a dry gas production well which over time experiences a decrease in reservoir pressure so that in the end the reservoir is no longer able to push gas into the well’s. Therefore, a method is used to overcome this problem, namely by installing a wellhead compressor. Next, forecasting of future well’s production is carried out. In this work, the Decline Curve Analysis method is used to obtain the lifetime and cumulative production of the "K" field.