digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

History matching is the process of conditioning the geological or the static model to production data. The reservoir production performance under the current and future operating conditions has a significant impact on the economic viability of a petroleum recovery project. Therefore reservoir management process requires an evaluation of the past and present reservoir performance as well as forecast of its future. This paper discussed Assisted History Matching process in ‘S’ Field, including uncertainty parameters analysis, running experimental design using Latin Hypercube Algorithm, and running optimization using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Well placement optimization using automatic and manual method was performed with the last time production data (December 2019). The simulation time used is 15 years of production period started from January 2020. Reservoir simulation and production forecasting were performed using tNavigator simulation software. The manual well placement with 2 producing wells and 2 injection wells produced NPV 5.72 US$ comparing to the automatic well placement that produced NPV 9.044 million US$.