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ABSTRAK Meizy Ardea Saputra
PUBLIC Suharsiyah

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

The MAS-1 well is a deviated-oil well that is located in the PATRA onshore field. This well measured-depth is about 1856.8 meters and the true vertical depth is about 1850 meters with 5 degrees of deviation in every 50 meters. MAS-1 well produces through a single perforation zone called by “RI-zone” in the sandstone formation which is located at an interval depth of 1749.5 - 1789.5 mMD. The reservoir pressure is 2189 psia at 1750 mTVD and the reservoir temperature is 230? with the 26.8 API degree of black-oil is identified as its reservoir fluid. MAS-1 well produces a quite large number of water cut which is about 42% and its productivity index is considerably assumed about 0.5 STB/d/psi that has been determined through early or previous production testing. MAS-1 well is conditioned in the shut-in mode for various reasons due to drilling/workover and completion operation has been carried out in this well. The challenge came out into this project because this well still has a quite good potential to deliver more than 100 STB/day of oil which is supporting the company's financial portfolio if this well regains back its production life. Starting up the well was an answer to tackle the challenge. Considerable expense and complex engineering aspects within the field environment are two things to be concerned and consequently, this condition has led to the crucial need for using a dynamic multiphase flow simulator to model, simulate and optimize the start-up procedure of specified characteristics of a production well to flow. Bean-up and clean-up procedure both are well start-up strategy that is commonly used in oil and gas services. Both of them would be used in the simulation project and divided into different approaches as a step for getting the best simulation result that leads to making a final decision which one of the operations will be used both in bean-up and clean-up conditions. Implementing the rigless coiled-tubing operation with the nitrogen lifting method is also one of the manifestations that will be discussed in this study especially its existence as an integral part of well clean-up operation which is considered to be saving more money and time than using the rig. The dynamic multiphase flow was run and generated various results that will be helpful to achieve some study objectives such as how both strategies were applied in this case, scrutinizing the technical aspect within the study, nitrogen lift method effectiveness, the time required to clean out the wellbore and maximum rate of the drilling fluid is recorded in the wellhead. This study also provides some suggestions that can be applied or considered to improve the quality of this study on a further occasion.