Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Unconventional reservoirs described as any reservoir that need special recovery operations other than conventional operating practices. Low permeability affects the time reservoir needs to reach stabilized time. It takes a longer time to reach its stabilized time. Most of the deliverability test today only done in a maximum 24 hours time. Limited test time makes it is almost impossible to reach the reservoir stabilization time while doing the deliverability test. Meanwhile, to construct Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) curve, the properties from stabilized time is needed.
This study mainly discusses about predicting IPR curve with first determine the stabilized flow coefficient value (C) on unconventional reservoir. Then, the stabilized C will be used in determining Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) for low porosity and low permeability reservoir model, which also known as Tight Oil Reservoir. Before determining the stabilized C value, stabilized time and the deliverability exponent value need to be determined first. The stabilized time or also can be said as pseudo-steady state time is evaluated from John Lee (1982)’s equation and Chaudry (2004)’s equation with the validation from the reservoir model. This study uses the method proposed by Hashem and Kazemi which use transient data for their method for determining the flow coefficient value. In addition, deliverability exponent (n) is determined using an equation proposed by Johnston and Lee (1991). Furthermore, the equation proposed by Rawlins and Schellhardt (1935) will be used for constructing IPR curve.