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ABSTRAK Kresna Haryo Wicahyo
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

X-Plane is a simulation software which provides simulation environment for aircraft. X-Plane also allows other software to receive data for processing and send it back to X-Plane through UDP port connection to automate its controls. One of the software that is capable of such things is Matlab’s Simulink. In this bachelor thesis, a waypoint guidance system is developed for High-Speed MiniBe using X-Plane and Matlab’s Simulink. The modelling process is done through X-Plane’s Plane Maker using several techniques and assumptions. A model is designed in Simulink to process the data received from X-Plane and then sent back to act as a waypoint guidance and autopilot which provides necessary commands to the aircraft. The focus of this bachelor thesis is on the lateral-directional plane only. Simulation results shows that High-Speed MiniBe can function properly with the designed waypoint following and autopilot control system.