ABSTRAK Excel Brahma Putra
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
The existence of old wells, if used properly can increase national production, but to reactivate old wells will be a challenge, especially if the oil contained therein is classified as heavy oil, one of the techniques to increase oil recovery which is widely used in this type of oil this is steam injection, but using steam injection on a low strength casing can cause the casing to fail due to production increase, temperature differences or due to a high corrosion rate.
In this Study, there are wells in the Y-field which will be reactivated using cyclic steam stimulation, these wells use K-55 tubing, so it needs to be re-evaluated in terms of tubing strength due to increased production and temperature differences when steam injected, based on the results of the evaluation of the K-55 , K-55 tubing is still able to withstand the load due to production increase but the K-55 tubing is unable to withstand the load due to temperature differences when steam is injected, while the highest corrosion rate evaluation of the K-tubing 55 is still included in the acceptable value.