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Pages from 2006 TS PP POPPY WIDIASTUTI 1-COVER.pdf

Pages from 2006 TS PP POPPY WIDIASTUTI 1-BAB1.pdf

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Pages from 2006 TS PP POPPY WIDIASTUTI 1-BAB3c.pdf

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Pages from 2006 TS PP POPPY WIDIASTUTI 1-BAB4b.pdf

Pages from 2006 TS PP POPPY WIDIASTUTI 1-BAB5.pdf


Abstrak: Housing as one of the basic needs is required by people as a place of living. However, many households cannot afford to have houses because of limited income. They have no financial ability to buy a house with the market price. Actually, housing can be seen in two perspectives. The two perspectives of housing are as a product and a function. Nevertheless, the changing of perspective from function to product or investment depends on what level of households has already fulfilled in their needs on housing. Households who already have their own houses or have fulfilled their needs on housing will shift their perception from a place to live to making it an investment. On the contrary, households with no financial capability to buy houses will observe a house as shelter.From these differences of perception on housing, it can be derived into two kinds of estimations on housing requirement. They are housing demand and housing need. Housing demand estimates households who have financial ability to buy houses with market price and a desire to have one. Usually, this is defined as a willingness to pay. However, most studies only consider about the affordability. It means households who can afford to buy a house based on economic aspect. Besides, there are some factors which are important in driving housing demand. These factors, such as demography, lifecycle and housing price, are usually becoming a consideration in the study of housing demand.Meanwhile, housing need calculates the existing and future needs of housing. The existing needs means households who have problems on housing. The housing problems are defined by the government which exists. In Indonesia, most households have problems on homeownership and substandard housing. This is because there are many households who are still categorized as low income families. Their income is far behind housing price so that they have no ability to buy one. Besides homeownership, many households live in substandard housing. Government has already defined standard housing to improve living condition of households. Because of the low level of income, many households in Indonesia are facing these two problems. On the other hand, future need is the requirement of housing because of households growth. Different definition creates different method in calculation. Housing demand examines households income and housing price. It compares households consumption on housing with housing prices. Households consumption on housing is about 20percent of the total income. The 20percent of total income is evaluated with housing price in the two regions. Housing price includes building construction, basic infrastructure, legal process and land price. Meanwhile, housing need is the accumulation of existing needs and future needs. Future need estimates households growth for 2006 - 2015. Different method of estimation creates discrepancy between housing demand and housing need. Therefore this study has an objective to investigate how big the discrepancy is between housing demand and housing needs in Indonesia, and the factors which influence this. Finally, housing as a basic need should be fulfilled by families in order to improve living condition.