As a leading university in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is host to various academic and non-academic activities, which results in high parking demand. Furthermore, the growth of vehicle ownership, especially motorcycles, also increases the number of vehicles entering and exiting the campus. Since 2007, a new policy to limit vehicles entering the campus has been introduced. An Employee Identification Card is required to enter and park inside the campus. Students and visitors are prohibited to enter their vehicles and must park in the external parking lots. Despite the success of limiting the number of vehicles entering the campus, there are still concerns about the adequacy of the parking supply and its use. On-street parking still occurs and affects the traffic circulation inside and around the campus. Therefore, a parking study was conducted to evaluate the parking facility within ITB.
The method used to identify the parking characteristics the plate matching survey for five consecutive working days. The data collected from the survey were computed to obtain the parking accumulation, parking volume, parking duration, parking index and the parking turn-over. A parking inventory survey was also conducted to obtain an accurate parking capacity of the facility. The parking demand was predicted using two different methods: the maximum accumulation method and the vehicle ownership method.
The total legal parking capacity for the parking facility was 812 spaces for cars and 289 spaces for motorcycles. Friday was the busiest day of the week with a total parking volume of 1957 cars and 1503 motorcycles, with the peak accumulation of 652 cars at 2 p.m.-2.30 p.m. and 615 motorcycles at 9.30 a.m.-10 a.m. The weekly parking duration average was 3.36 hours for cars and 3.76 hours for motorcycles. If the multientry cars were neglected, the weekly duration average increased to 5.44 hours/car. The maximum turn-over rate occurred on Friday between 6 a.m.-9 a.m. with 0.820 cars/stall/3 hours and 2.388 motorcycles/stall/3 hours. The maximum parking index also occurred on Friday reaching 80.05 % for cars and 205.19 % for motorcycles.
Overall, the car parking supply was still sufficient but was not evenly distributed throughout the campus. On the other hand, legal motorcycle parking spaces should be increased to balance the high parking demand. A stricter parking enforcement policy is also recommended to discipline the parking facility users so they do not park illegally.