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Abstrak - Iklima Alviani Maideva
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

In this study, a finite element model of a membrane-based floating PV system is developed, consisting of two main components: the membrane floater and the buoyancy ring. The finite element model was built in ABAQUS software. The membrane floater is modeled using membrane elements (M3D4R), while the buoyancy ring is constructed with beam elements (B31). Modal and dynamic analyses are conducted to investigate the dynamic and hydro-elastic behavior of the system under regular wave conditions. Through a sensitivity study, the effects of initial tension, wavelength variations, hydrodynamic added mass, and hydrostatic stiffness on the system are examined. Two major simplifications are employed: hydrostatic stiffness is modeled as a linear mass-spring system, and the hydrodynamic added mass is treated as constant. The modal analysis results indicate that the hydrodynamic added mass significantly lowers the system's natural frequencies, while the buoyancy ring notably influences the mode shapes. The dynamic analysis results revealed that under highfrequency wave conditions, the ability of the membrane floater to conform to wave profiles decreases. The results also suggested that the membrane floater plays a more critical role in determining the system's dynamic responses compared to the buoyancy ring. By optimally tensioning the membrane floater, the dynamic responses of the system can also be better controlled.