digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak - Bakuh Danang Setyo Budi
PUBLIC Irwan Sofiyan

Pulsating binaries are interesting types of eclipsing binary objects to study. This object type is a perfect test to compare results from the asteroseismic relation and the more accurate orbital parameter solution. The light and radial velocity curve of eclipsing binaries can reveal the natural properties of the system through the method of analyzing orbital period changes. They will provide information about the possibility of a mass transfer or mass loss in one of its components, or even the presence of a third object. In this research, we analyzed three samples of eclipsing binaries (EBs) that showed pulsations in their light curves, single-lined EBs FO Ori, and double-lined EBs FR Ori and LT Her. Full analysis in light curve modeling and radial velocity, multi-frequency periodogram analysis will be carried out and analysis of O-C diagrams using archived light curve data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission and follow-up observation data using the Thai Robotic Telescope (TRT) network. Spectroscopic observations will be carried out using Medium Resolution Echelle Spectrograph (MRES) at Thai National Observatory (TNO), Doi Inthanon, Thailand, to provide information on changes in the spectrum due to the orbital motion. The Echelle spectrum which has been clean up will be analyzed using the Least Square Deconvolution (LSD) method to obtain the RV of each component (for SB2), or the RV of the primary component (for SB1). The light curves and radial velocities that have been obtained will be analyzed using PHOEBE2 software with MCMC fitting to obtain the fundamental parameters and their uncertainties. Multiperiodogram analysis will be carried out with Period04 software and Python-based program MultiModes to obtain pulsation frequencies.