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Abstrak - Ryanditto Wibisono
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

The Indonesian air transport network serves as a pivotal element of both the global economy and society, facilitating the movement of millions of passengers and cargo worldwide. Delays within this network result in substantial financial losses for airlines and pose safety risks. Given its vast archipelago and strategic geographical positioning, Indonesia plays a critical role in the regional air transport landscape. Consequently, a detailed examination of delay propagation within the Indonesian Air Transport Network is essential. This study employs a transfer entropy approach to scrutinise the spread of delays across the network, utilising a complex network framework. The focus is on domestic flights scheduled within Indonesia in 2018. The analysis is conducted using topological tools and Gephi software, which aid in identifying pivotal routes and airports that substantially influence network disruptions. The findings reveal that delay propagation within the Indonesian Air Transport Network is significantly influenced by its hub-and-spoke structure, indicating that disruptions at central hubs can lead to extensive network-wide effects. Interestingly, isolated regions display distinct delay characteristics, suggesting that delays typically spread from larger hubs to smaller airports. Effective mitigation of delays necessitates focused interventions at crucial hubs and routes, especially those with high transfer entropy values, to enhance network efficiency and reliability.