digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Abstrak: The POME if not utilized is releasing CH4 in form of biogas (65percent-mass CH4 and 35percent-mass CO2). The methane in biogas is considered as GHG that affects the global warming. But if the biogas is utilized and as CH4 in the biogas is converted to CO2, the produced CO2 can be considered as CO2 from biomass that does not affect the global warming. As CH4 is converted in CO2, the global warming that caused by CH4 also reduced. The reduction of CH4 is equalized as ton CO2-equivalent (t CO2e), and this ton C02-equivalent can be sold to the developed countries to help them reach the target of emission reduction. Methane emissions from open ponds for wastewater treatment can be prevented using closed tank when treating palm oil mill effluent (POME). In this process, POME is converted to the biogas utilized for fuel of boilers and also for electricity generators. Utilization of biogas is hoped to substitute the using of petroleum fuel (non-renewable energy) that is running out and to reduce GHGs emission and delay the catastrophe of overheated earth. Besides producing energy, the biogas production and utilization in Indonesia has a prospect to get involved in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) program and get Certified Emission Reduction (CER). CDM is a program from the United Nation that letting underdeveloped countries participate in GHGs emission reduction and helping developed countries to achieve their commitment in quantity of GHGs emission reduction to the safe concentration in atmosphere by trading CER. Some developed countries (called as Annex I countries) should reduce their GHGs emission. Equipments for utilization of biogas from the POME have been designed and the dimensions are sized in this work. The anaerobic process for CPO plant with production capacity of 30 ton FFB/year (common capacity in the CPO plants in Indonesia) or 5000 kg POME released per hour, needs equipments such as: a) cooling pond b) biodigester (8.5 m diameter x 6.3 m height) c) limestone scrubber (4 m diameter x 5 m height) d) biogas storage tank (8.2 m diameter x 8 m height) The biogas plant without involving in CDM project shall not get paid back. With involving in CDM the project, it will get payout period about 2.5 years with IRR of 93percent and cash flow 2 million at the end of period.