digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

With the increasing demand of batteries for electrical vehicle in world, the interest of nickel laterite exploration and then its exploitation grow significantly. Nickel ore is one of the raw materials for making these batteries, which has high economic values, and is widely found in Indonesia. Therefore, extensive nickel exploration in Indonesia is urgently required to obtain the estimation of its potential resources. Until now, data from boreholes in close proximity to each other are used to calculate Nickel ore resources. To reduce the number of used boreholes and therefore reducing operational costs, Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is suitable method for that purpose due to its cost -and time effectiveness. In this research we analysis two GPR profiles acquired with GSSI SIR-3000 system with unshielded 40 MHz antennas from GPR campaign in Pakal Island. After applying conventional processing steps such as time zero correction, dewow, bandpass filtering f-k filtering, and background removal, radar attributes are assigned. From preliminary results using instantaneous frequency and its comparison with borehole data as validation tool, we obtained interesting results about the boundaries of limonite, saprolite, and bedrocks. The next step will be frequency content clustering in each layer boundary with the aim of clarifying layer boundaries.