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2017 JN PP Vincent Geiger_1.pdf
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

The purpose of this article is to report on a newly funded research project in which we will investigate how secondary students apply mathematical modelling to effectively address real world situations. Through this study, we will identify factors, mathematical, cognitive, social and environmental that Benable^ year 10/11 students to successfully begin themodelling process, that is, formulate and mathematise a real world problem. The 3-year study will take a design research approach in working intensively with six schools across two educational jurisdictions. It is anticipated that this research will generate new theoretical and practical insights into the role of Benablers^ within the process of mathematisation, leading to the development of principles for the design and implementation for tasks that support students’ development as modellers.