digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK: This paper describes the tapioca machine design. The design is aimed to increase an alternative industrial bussiness in village society; marily in margin land that producing cassava only. The machine design includes an induction motor 1 phase, 2hp and an AT 89C51 micro controller. The micro controller is used for distributed control system (DCS) with a variable time control processes of grating, pressing, transporting and drying of th wet tapioca. The experimental results indicated a grating time of 20 minutes/100kg, a pressing time of 5 minutes/(100kg plus 60 liter water), a sedimentation time of 240 minutes and a drying time of 15 minutes at 51 °celsius, yielding to 35 kg tapioca. The results are better compared with the conventional method, yielding to 29 kg tapioca only from 100 kg cassava and in a longer process time.