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ABSTRAK Muchi Juma Ameir
PUBLIC Perpustakaan Prodi Arsitektur

Industrial warehouse districts have unique experience on a role of economic activities and marketed identity in many cities of Republic of Indonesia, through time and change the technological advancement together with disaster have created a different level of urban fabric by left the industrial warehouse districts obsolete and remaining only with the historical significant that can be exploited. The area of Bandarharjo is among the areas of Northern Semarang that have been used for commercial industrial activities since before 19th century, the Marabunta warehouse was among the famous warehouse for sugar storage at that time before it was left obsolete from the problems of flood from Kali Semarang and landsubisdence due to the nature of the site. The area no longer active like it was from the past decades as it is today. After the Kali Semarang closed for the reason of reducing sea water to come into the city and in front of the Marabunta warehouse, the whole industrial district area started to be disconnected from the city. The existing context is surrounded by the neighborhood of Bandarharjo with dense population, lack of adequate infrastructure and housing problem that comes from the disaster. Marabunta warehouse is underutilized and it is in a good location for the new development. This thesis is purposely to study the context of Bandarharjo, culture behavior of the community and the environment as to suggest the suitable design that can help reviving the quality of the place by introducing the significant functions that can be potential for the future of the city of Semarang and the community of Bandarharjo. By using the application of the adaptive reuse concept and contextual harmony approach this thesis can help studying how the historical traces could stand firm to solve the existing problems at the context, to provide best solutions for the future in a sustainable way by linking it from the past and support the cohesive identity and social aspect for the community of Bandarharjo.