digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Maximizing economic value on marginal fields by minimizing facilities concept and cost is extremely crucial in field development. Located in a remote deltaic Kalimantan area, field X contains mostly dry gas with a complex surface environment. Present pipeline configuration become the challenges to sustain its production in recent years. Mostly the main considerations in combining production from several wells into one gathering line is related to their location proximity, without considering other aspects, such as well productivity. This paper will discuss the best practice on designing networks for marginal fields in challenging environments. To overcome the possible problem, this study provides method in building integrated subsurface-surface production network on several wells and layers planned in this field using limited data. Sensitivity study will be conducted using this model to find the optimum production network decisions by pairing several wells into several scenarios. Potential decrease in well productivity or rate loss due to the addition of other wells in one production network will be analyzed. The non-significant of potential rate loss become the main objective to get the best model. By using the optimum considerations from sensitivity study, it can be applied for X-field optimization. Based on sensitivity analysis, best scenario to tie in one production line is when each well has insignificant productivity rate differences. The result show that the greater well productivity difference, the smaller rate loss occurred on bigger productivity wells, however the bigger rate loss will be occurred on smaller productivity well. This indicates that bigger productivity wells tend to dominate the smaller wells. However, if the productivity difference is not significant, the rate loss difference between smaller and bigger well will be almost same so no well will dominate each other. The integrated model helps in optimizing the current operating conditions by increasing gas production by 6.5% and decreasing field-operating costs since less pipe length is required compared to combining all wells in manifolds cases. The results of this paper can be useful for similar marginal fields experiencing difficulties in minimizing facilities cost. This work can subsequently propose an integrated subsurface-surface production network management workflow on addressing various production issues especially in case of limited data availability.