» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
A MW6.0 earthquake struck the Central Italian Apennines on August 24th 2016, followed by an important seismic
sequence characterized by hundreds of aftershocks. The earthquake caused fatalities and partially destroyed several towns surrounding the epicentral area. In this context the Italian Centre for Seismic Microzonation and its
applications was involved for the seismic characterization of the struck area. Using ambient vibrations spectral
ratios at seventy-five sites and shear wave velocity profiles obtained through surface waves dispersion properties
we assessed seismic site response properties in the Pretare and Piedilama villages located in the territory of
Arquata del Tronto. The survey performed inside the valley in which the two villages are located set into evidence
that the spectral ratios often show a predominant frequency ranging between 3.0 and 5.0 Hz or several peaks that
can be related to some alternating layers with different velocities. Conversely, along the valley flanks, where the
geological substratum outcrop, spectral ratios tend towards low amplitude values. The soft sediments inside the
valley are characterized by shear wave velocity lower than 350 m/s, whereas the geological substratum has shear
wave velocity ranging between 600 and 1200 m/s. The integrated interpretation of both geophysical and geological data, made possible to infer subsoil models of the investigated areas identifying the depth of the seismic bedrock and characterizing the buried morphology