Terbatas Lili Sawaludin Mulyadi
Terbatas Lili Sawaludin Mulyadi
The centralized wastewater treatment plant (CWWTP) was requested as an indispensable and mandatory
infrastructure in Chinese national industrial parks (NIPs) since 2015, which plays an important role
in tackling with industrial water contamination associated with intensive manufacturing activities in
industrial parks. In this study, the development trajectory and status of 347 CWWTPs in 157 NIPs were
analyzed, with the elaboration of the vintage year, capacity, energy consumption, operating cost,
treatment technology, pollutants removal efficiency, and other operating parameters. The key findings
are as follows: The construction time lag between CWWTPs and NIPs is generally 12e22 years, and the
time lag is shorter for younger NIPs. In 2016, the total actual treatment capacity the CWWTPs was over
4.4 billion tons, accounting for 22.6% of all industrial wastewater discharged in China. The total annual
operating cost and energy consumption were 5.5 billion Chinese Yuan (CNY) and 1.7 billion kWh. The
CWWTPs with capacity load rate ranging from 90% to 110% usually had relatively low operating cost and
energy consumption per ton wastewater. The removal rates of 17 pollutant indicators listed in the
discharge standards were generally higher than 60%, except the total nitrogen (TN). Meanwhile, over 92%
of the CWWTPs have met the requested discharge standards. Aerobic biological process was the most
popular technology applied in the CWWTPs, accounting for 86% of total capacity. Against the features of
the CWWTPs in NIPs, eight key measures were proposed to improve the performance of CWWTPs