» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Slope failure is a complex phenomenon that may caused to landslides. Buildings and infrastructure such
as transportation facilities and pipelines located within the boundaries of a landslide can be damaged or
destroyed. Slope failure classification and various factors contributing to the instability using 2-D resistivity survey conducted in Selangor, Malaysia are described. Six 2-D resistivity survey lines with 5 m minimum electrode spacing using Pole-dipole array were performed. The data were processed using
Res2Dinv and surfer10 software to evaluate the subsurface characteristics. The 2-D resistivity results
show that the subsurface consist of two main zones. The first zone was alluvium or highly weathered
with resistivity value of 100–1000 O m and depth of >30 m. This zone consists of saturated area with
resistivity value of 1–100 O m and boulders with resistivity value of 1200–7000 O m. The second zone
with resistivity value of >7000 O m was interpreted as granitic bedrock. The study area was characterized
by saturated zones, highly weathered zone, highly contain of sand and boulders that will trigger slope
failure in the survey area. This will cause to low strength of soil, debris flow and movement of earth.
On the basis of the case examples described, 2-D resistivity method is categorized into desirable and useful method in determination of slope failure and future assessments.