digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

To analyze the neurological effect of product design aesthetics on the decision-making process of consumers. Twenty-three undergraduates are selected for the study and 16 products with a total of 96 pictures of productdesign were judged. The P2 wave in the cortex of the cerebral parietal region can reflect consumers' aesthetic experience of product design. Studies related to fMRI have shown that sculptures presented in the original scale induce the activation of the insula and parietal region cortex (precuneus), indicating that this part of brain region plays an important role in the aesthetic experience of art works. When the aesthetic attraction of product design is high, the conflict will reduce consumers' aesthetic experience of the product and thus reduce the confirmed purchase rate of the product. When the attraction of product design is moderate, the conflict will enhance consumers' aesthetic experience of the product, which will increase the confirmed purchase rate of the product.