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Terbatas  Suharsiyah
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Chemical absorption using amineebased solvents have proven to be the most studied, as well as the most reliable and efficient technology for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from exhaust gas streams and synthesis gas in all combustion and industrial processes. The application of single amineebased solvents especially the very reactive monoethanolamine (MEA) is associated with a parasitic energy demand for solvent regeneration. Since regeneration energy accounts for up to threeequarters of the plant operating cost, efforts in its reduction have prompted the idea of using blended amine solvents. This review paper highlights the success achieved in blending amine solvents and the recent and future technologies aimed at increasing the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient, absorption rate, cyclic capacity and greatly minimizing both degradation and the energy for solvent regeneration. The importance of amine biodegradability (BOD) and low ecotoxicity as well as low amine volatility is also highlighted. Costs and energy penalty indices that influences the capital and operating costs of CO2 capture process was also highlighted. A new experimental method for simultaneously estimating amine cost, degradation rate, regeneration energy and reclaiming energy is also proposed in this review paper