Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Suharsiyah
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
To obtain modified bitumen with excellent adhesive properties, coumarone-indene resin (CIR) was used. However, bitumens modified
by CIR have somewhat worse plastic properties. For the improvement of the plastic properties of road bitumen modified by coumaroneindene resin, the paper proposes to use plasticizers. Characterized by a high content of rings (aromatic-naphthenic oils), a range of compounds was used as plasticizers. Of all different plasticizers tested, the tar produced from West-Ukrainian oils has been found to be the
most effective one. The optimal ratio between modified bitumen components was determined enabling to obtain the commercial product
of polymers modified bitumen of BMP 60/90-52 brand. The complex thermogravimetry and differential-thermal analysis has been used
to analyze the initial and modified bitumen. Bitumens modified by CIR have shown by far the highest thermal stability under operation