digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Research on the Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM III) was carried out by World Bank, in conjunction with other research institutions, to find the optimum combination of design and maintenance standards which will result in minimum total transportation cost. This study tries to calibrate the HDM III parameters used driving and braking power for several vehicle classes for Indonesian conditions. The results are also compared with those obtained from previous studies. Surveys of the used driving and braking power were carried out at two sites, Lembang-Subang segment with a 12.1% gradient and Padalarang-Cianjur segment with a 7.6 % gradient. The data collection was carried out in daylight using video camcorders, pneumatic tube detectors, and Golden River Weigh in Motion equipment. The 95 percentile values of used driving and braking power/weight obtained from this study ranged from 10.1 to 18.0 Watt/kg, and from 10.9 to 13.6 Watt/kg respectively. The comparisons indicate that the obtained used driving power/weight values were lower when compared with the values used in .Indonesia Highway Capacity Manual, and have lower values for light vehicles and higher values for heavy vehicles when compared with the HDM III default values. The comparisons also show that the obtained used braking power/weight values did not differ much from other studies for light vehicles, but were lower than other studies for heavy vehicles.