digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

There is a certain amount of variability in every product, consequently, no two products are ever identical. Since variability can only be described in statistical terms, statistical methods become a role model in quality improvement efforts. Acceptance sampling is one of the statistical methods in quality control area to help ensure that the output of a process meets requirements. The main purpose of acceptance sampling is to decide whether to accept or reject a lot of product. When we want to control some of proportion of substance that existed in food products like preservative, we can assume that preservative that existed in the food product is followed Zero Truncated Poisson (ZTP) distribution. This research attempt to design single and resubmitted sampling plan under the conditions of ZTP distribution. Sampling process and operation curves with tables were created and organized in this research. For illustrative purpose, an example is presented to demonstrate the use of determination of single sampling plan and resubmitted sampling plan by attributes under the conditions of ZTP distribution.