digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Several studies have been conducted and published to analyze the effect of Net Overburden (NOB) pressure on the rock permeability measurements. These studies have reported that an increase of the NOB value will decrease the permeability measurement. This study evaluates the reduction of porosity and permeability value due to NOB value increase on core plug samples from different fasies. The core plug samples were taken from conventional cores which are dominated by very fine grain, friable sandstones. These conventional cores have been acquired in turbidite deep water slope system interval in a gas field, Kutei basin, which has been deposited in Upper Pliocene time. The objective of this study is to predict in the laboratory, the porosity and permeability at reservoir conditions from core plugs measurement using different NOB values. This study also analyzes the effect on the facies (sandstone quality) as result of the porosity and permeability reduction due to NOB pressure. Further analysis is also addressed to predict the changes in porosity and permeability during the gas production life time.