digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Petroleum industry support great amount of energy, so demand of oil and gas and exploration will be the key of the supply. Moving from searching oil from seepage, drilling shallow onshore reservoir until deep onshore reservoir, not long time ago the exploration reach to the sea, and now many exploration reach the deepwater offshore. Deepwater operation technology is the advanced of drilling technology, many differences parameter from shallow offshore make drilling in deepwater have their own challenges. The cost that even higher needed for the operation and also the probability of failure that really high because the complexity make the drilling plan is a crucial part of the well design. Pressure profile prediction, casing setting depth selection and casing design are the basic and one of the most important principles in designing the well. In purpose to reducing the probability of failure in drilling operation pressure profile prediction off course will be the key to the success. There are some methods to predict the pressure profile, using logging data like sonic log and density log, using drilling parameter in D-Exponent method, and MDT data. This paper presents a collaboration of the calculation using sonic log and density log, D-Exponent method, and MDT data from the drilling offset well operation for predicting pressure profile in development well, to make the best pressure profile prediction and providing an efficient and safe way to select the casing setting depth. For further drilling design, can be analized that the colaboration of using logging data, D-Exponent data, and MDT data will be a great way in accuracy for predicting the pressure profile.Great accuracy of pressure profile prediction will reduce the probability of failure in drilling operation that will make the cost efficient and also reduce the probability of the accident in operation.