digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. Thiess Contractor Indonesia, Senakin mine project is a leading contractor company that runs in civil, mining, and processing business, which is given full faith to conduct almost all mining activities by PT. Arutmin Indonesia. Mining area is located at Kotabaru district, South Kalimantan province. On October 1st, 2006 PT. Thiess Contractor Indonesia did plan increasing of some excavators production target in Senakin mine so that subsequently demanded a planning of dump truck requirement in accordance with the waste production target. This was undertaken in order to meet the short or over the number of dump trucks in every loading point. The main objective of this research was to emphasize the requirements of dump truck to haul waste from Pit 02 Block 43 to 46 and Pit 04 Block 12 to 13, 21 to 25, 30 during September 2006 at East Senakin pit. Minescape program was used to determine all segments from haul profile, and TALPAC program was used as a tool to calculate the cycle time of dump truck from each loading point. Haul profile starts from loading point until dumping point and the calculation of dump truck requirement was based on the waste production target of excavator and the production target of dump truck. The requirements of dump truck based on mechanical availability in September 2006 were 40 units of dump trucks. This consisted of 39 units dump trucks and 7 excavators ready for work every day and there were 9 units dump trucks and 1 excavator not ready for work. This happened because the mechanical availability of excavator was higher than mechanical availability of dump truck in August 2006. In addition, that of 4 units of dump truck CAT 777D were needed to supply the 44 units dump trucks that were ready in Senakin mine.