digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

The major challenge of mature field operations, like that of Handil, is sand production. It can affect the integrity of production facilities leading to important safety and environmental issues. The desander installation is one selected alternative to separate the sand at the earliest stage of oil production line, hence minimize the impact to the surface production facilities. Rule of thumb of 0.4 cc sand content per 10 liter of total production fluid is adopted to limit the acceptable sand production rate entering into the production flowlines with statistically having great success to improve oil production gain whilst reducing the erosion rate. The evaluation on the existing desander installation shows the ability of the installed desander to remove the produced sand at the expected performance and the ability to improve actual oil production gain. Future oil production gain of seven desander installations is also predicted based on the remaining well potential with promising results. Further evaluations focused on the desander design and configuration, the rule of thumb value, and the empirical analysis of sand erosion event show promising facts that the existing desander operation philosophy and installation configuration can still be improved to have more opportunity of better oil production gain.