digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Safety is now growing up as trending issue all over the business world shown by increasing eagerness of enterprises to acquire such certification. PT X as representative of state-owned enterprise is now redefining its safety system within the internals. With a renewed vision that lead to be a world-class energy company PT X put more concern of its management issues including safety management issue as the way to uplift its standard of performance. Following the on charge- CEO instruction to prioritize human aspects, PT X was developing a new way to analyze the accident by put human factors to the front. Take human as priority and find human-related causes to reduce number of future victim by eliminating specific factor of the cause. The research's purpose is to reveal most intense human factor to cause accidents within PT X January to July 2012 period by using Human Factors Analysis and Classification System. First to be taken is to accumulate the accident hierarchy categories from the Body Injured Incident data record along with the Injured Body Parts Map data to find out which part could be harmed on what level. Then from the summarized contents, human factors of accident would be extracted using the system, dividing each accident into specific category. Reveals what kind of causes that appears the most and brought what type accident in result. That step will then completed by adding injured parts to the the one got found. Skill-Based Error of worker and Physical Environment influence are then stated as most dominant causes, responsible for 66.67% of whole accidents composition. The accident caused by those known as Medical Treatment cases and most of them put harm into right hand, right fingers and left leg. The findings will then help PT X to develop a more effective safety system with a focus.