digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. Promacomm stands for Project Management Community. This company was created by 5 alumni from Universitas Indonesia. It was born in 26 February 2011. While the field of developers, providing added value to property investments in Indonesia. This company is building a cooperation with landowners which mutually beneficial for both sides. And in the field of contracting, the services provided are the construction of houses, buildings, hospitals, and showrooms. One of the projects of PT. Promacomm is Ciputat Residence. To analysis all of the costs for this project used the unit cost and net profit margin. The objectives from this final project are to calculate the unit costs for land and building, to calculate the net profit margin and to ensure the agreement between the landowner and the developer. The landowner and the developer had a cooperation agreement. The cooperation between them is about profit sharing, Mr. Ma’mun owned 5,698 m2 of the land. This land divided into 2 areas that are area I and area II. The size of area I is 3950 m2 and the price is Rp700.000/m2. The size of area II is 1748 m2 and the price is Rp500.000/m2. The difference price between those area because the status of area I is SHM and area II is still Girik. From the calculation, the unit cost of land is Rp1,210,720/m2 and the unit cost of building is Rp2,553,110/m2. The net profit margin from this residence is 25,85%. After the calculation, the author analyze that the profit sharing is not accordance with the agreement. The landowner only gets 22% of the profit from this project. Recommendation from the author is the landowner should know how much the total of profit sharing that he would get from this project. But from the calculation of this project, the landowner is still owned the land assuming the developer is not capable of selling all of the land.