digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Superconducting Gravimeter (SG) can accurately observe the Earth tidal parameters that describe the elastic response of the Earth to the gravitational attraction of the nearby space objects. This Undergraduate Thesis investigates several important geophysical effects on the determination of the Earth tidal parameters based on the SG data recorded located at the Indonesian Geospatial Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial - BIG) laboratory, Cibinong, Indonesia (6.490S, 106.840E, 138m). In general, the Earth tides, which consist of long period, diurnal, semi-diurnal and terdiurnal phenomena, can introduce the gravity values ranging from -2000 nm/s2 to 1000 nm/s2. While atmospheric pressure loading can change the gravity values by about -20 nm/s2 to 15 nm/s2, ocean loading produces variations in the gravity values within -60 nm/s2 to 60 nm/s2. In addition, groundwater level changes may introduce additional gravity values ranging -30 nm/s2 to 45 nm/s2.