Today solar energy for space heating and cooling is getting popular all over the world. The objective of this research is to design a solar space heating system for a house in cold region of Myanmar with simple, low cost and low maintenance requirements. During winter time the house is heated by direct burning of the traditional sources of energy such as firewood or charcoal. They have become scarce and expensive, and lead to pollution, fire hazards and human diseases on respiratory system such as heart failure and lung cancer. Demand of heat and reduction CO2 emissions become a concern for this study. Solar pond is simple and low cost solar energy system for a long period of time. For this reason, a study of solar pond becomes more interesting using for space heating than solar panel or some other alternative solar energy systems.
A house would promote a comfortable indoor environment and reduces CO2 emissions utilizing solar pond. The proposed system consists of solar pond, pump, fan and heat exchanger as main parts with additional parts. Amount solar radiation, amount thermal energy stored in the solar pond and heat distribution to house are three main aspects in the design calculation. Solar pond capacity is about 1000 liters. A program simulation is used to calculate the size of the solar heating system and to obtain a sufficient solar energy input to heat the house. The comparison resulted from experimental and simulation work is reported in this study. The simulation shows the same tendency curve with the experimental result.
The result shows the average solar pond temperature ranging from 30 to 43 ºC (at the lower part of the solar pond LCZ). However, it is difficult to estimate the amount of solar radiation due to the large variation if the weather conditions. In fact, it is hard to have the system that is going to be able to provide all energy demand at any moment. However if the system can support at least 20% or more energy for the house, then the system will save the environment pollution. It is recommended to use the energy from the solar pond at least 2 hours/day at night time.