digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

One hydrodynamic dimensional model is often inadequate as the vertical structure of currents is not known and bed friction and near bottom transport can be related only to the mean over the depth velocity. Nevertheless in some cases one dimensional models are preferred as they are computationally less-expensive, easier to program and providing sufficiently accurate results. The development of models for the investigation of multi-dimensional structure of hydrodynamic circulation had a great impulse in the past decade due to the fast increase in computing capability which had previously represented one of the main limitation. This thesis employs Finite Difference scheme for hydrodynamic computation, in sigma coordinate grid. For turbulence closure Munk and Anderson zero equation is applied. To solve the hydrodynamic equation, operator splitting is employed so that every operators of the equation can be solved by the proper numeric scheme.