digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

PT. Sejahtera is a startup IT consulting company which had just done together with consortium partnership of three companies with PT. Solution and PT. Electronic Laboratory called SSE. They had completed a prestigious government RFID (radio frequency identification) project for fuel subsidy control in petrol stations which on the contrary result a disharmony among consortium partnership. Situation of government project is always uncertain and the company as the consortium leader shall face new challenges in the next RFID tender if there will be one to be announced. CEO of PT. Sejahtera must evaluate the partnership and the project so that the company knows what to do next, evaluate the situation, select a course of action and analyses what lies ahead. Observation findings lead to analysis that the previous RFID project done PT. Sejahtera and the SSE consortium partnership was completed in a rush fashion. This is a situation where bound rationality happened and produced a not optimal Solution because of limited information, bias decision making and did not have ingredient of a winning team mentality. Also, consortium did not have an agreement, planning and evaluation system which can evaluate organizational performance so that they can maintain organizational harmony. In the other hand, company vision and mission requires PT. Sejahtera Company to have a world class standard of process of activities such as CMMI and decision making which have best practice of doing activities in a sufficiently time bound manner. From this point of view of analysis, it require KT rational process that are able to produce a systematic mapping of PT. Sejahtera company situation, root cause identification the partnership organizational ineffectiveness, implementing in alternative solution to decision making stage and planning to protect the course for the company. Applying KT process in the problem solving has resulted absence of partnership selection as a root cause of the organizational problem which produce disharmony among consortium members. With that result, a SMART analysis can be done to select Solution for the current situation and evaluate potential problem analysis in the two best course of action which is Page | iv suited to company roadmap and strategy. So this KT process acts as a technical tool in implementing, enhancing, and evaluating company strategy in a practical level or in middle management level. The company shall be recommended to implement a combination of rational process and partnership selection process to have maximum benefit on a project and not to fall into the same organizational problem such as in previous RFID project. Furthermore, the company should replace the previous partnership and create a new partnership with a fresh start of rational selection. Selecting a project shall be inseparable with selecting with the right partnership. A partnership shall be evaluated accordingly by the principle of best practice and evaluated in criteria of technical risks, commercial risk and other project criteria that were elaborated before. The KT process not only revising company strategy in practical level, but the process has to be implemented further. Hence, one of recommendations in this final year project is to have PT. Sejahtera integrate KT framework to their business process and to form rational management. Another recommendation is that implementing other decision making tools such as interactive decision making and collective decision making for purpose of deciding important matters in a partnership. In evaluating Indonesia’s market and government projects, it shall be also wise to explore zero sum games because of the nature of its competition, assuming that PT. Sejahtera cannot always create and do blue ocean strategy. Also, the company must learn and explore application of heuristics. Lastly is to always improve decision making.