Urban transportation planning process and structure organization are some of the requirements needed for developing countries like Indonesia because there is need for economic growth, sustainable developments and efficiency in transportation as transportation planning is the key foctor to achieve those points mentioned above.
Urban transportation planning process and structure organization, there some issues which have to be looked at before a master plan is made and the organization to govern the master plan. For urban transportation planning process focuses on two approaches that is top down where planning policies are made by the central government to be followed by all metropolitan areas and bottom up where there is public participation of all stake holders at different levels of planning in metropolitan areas. These also have steps of planning which have to be analyzed in the process of planning and then criterias are scoped out of the steps of transportation planning process. In the structure organization / institutional setting there different organizations; that is adhoc organization and resource organization with their duties. These were analyzed and a hybrid was also discoved as another alternative for the organization. There fore, the main objectives of this research is to find out a suitable urban transportation process and structural organization/ institution for metropolitan areas. To find a suitable urban transportation planning process and organization / institution for this thesis, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used as method to find, by interviewing the stake holders of Bandung Metropolitan Area. This is a mathematical method wereby it was used to compere criteria with criteria and criteria with alternatives. This was used to the stakeholders of Bandung Metropolitan Area through questionnaires and these stakeholders some from the four administrative areas of Bandung that is from local authorites (city Bandung, Cimahi Bandung Barat and Sumedang), BAPEDDA, ORGANDA, Dinas Perhubungan, department of Works of Bandung and Masyarakat Transportasi Bandung (MTB).
For the urban transportation planning process, seven criteria were discovered from the two aproaches of transportation planning process that is; Participation/brain storming, government’s policies, technical skills, Presentations/ exhibitions, coordination and cooperation, Effective structure organization, political support and besides the two approaches, another alternative called hybrid was discovered. This is an alternative in between the two approaches. Structural organization also five criterias were used that is; policy of the government, easy distribution of funds to all areas , cooperation and cordination , availability of technical workers size of the metropolitan area and has also hybrid as another alternative which is also inbetween the two organization. The results show that both top down and bottom up aproaches have to be combined, same to the the organization setting suitable not only for Bandung metropolitan area but can apply also to the metroplitan areas of other developing countries.