digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

In 1994, a Brazilian rock mechanical specialist, F.O. FRANCISS, has developed an analytical computational model for analyzing a tunnel stability in weak rocks with alasto-plastis behaviour. As one of various available models, this model needs to be examined and tested, therefore that model performance can be understood. For this reason, such model must be directly tried to apply for on in-situ field condition, that is, at DRF 9 L 500 Kubang Cicau Tunnel and CG 5 L 550 Ciguha Tunnel in Gold Mine, P.T. Aneka Tambang, Gunung Pongkor, West Java. As comparator from this model computational outputs, it is use product of convergence measurement conducted by LPPM-ITB. Data compared is the horizontal deformation in the mid-point of wall and its equilibirium condition. For knowing about equitational authorization used by F.O. FRANCISS, it is previously performed a verification by using KIRSH and PANET analytical methods. From obtained results, both from comparison outputs with KIRSH and PANET analytical methods or comparison results with convergence measurement, there is agreement product. Based on this finding, it can be concluded that F.O. FRANCISS Model performance is relatively good one.