digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

This study is focused on the identification of fractured basement reservoir and also the fractures characterization that related to faults and folds system. It found that the ant-track attribute is powerful to robustly map the lineaments of faults. While the RMS and fault intensity attributes give a good result to support the ant-track attribute. On the other hand, we also performed the most-positive curvature attribute to delineate the folds lineament.The results of this work demonstrate that the integrated analysis of seismic attributes, well data and geological interpretation has successfully delineated the potential fractured basement reservoir in the study area. In addition, the fractures in the basement of this study area are associated with the regional fault and fold system. This means that by delineating the faults and folds of the basement then we can predict the lineaments and orientation of their associated fractures.