2009 TS PP FAS HENDRA 1-BAB 1.pdf
2009 TS PP FAS HENDRA 1-BAB 2.pdf
2009 TS PP FAS HENDRA 1-BAB 3.pdf
2009 TS PP FAS HENDRA 1-BAB 4.pdf
2009 TS PP FAS HENDRA 1-BAB 5.pdf
This research discusses what had happened in Aceh on December 26th 2004 in term of earthquake slip distribution from inverse of geodetic data. Campaign GPS observation around Aceh on 1-7 March 2005, 9-16 May 2005, 22 November-2 December 2005 will be used for this research. Additional point constructed by Indonesian Land Agency (BPN) on January 1997 also used to get relatively dense data. We considered several fault geometries from single planar fault, two-segment fault to find best geometry of slip distribution. Single fault model result 8,9m dip slip and 4 while two fault segement resulted 9m and 14m for block I and 4m for block II.