digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Gravityrnversionproblerrrisadensitl,distrrbutiondeternrinationinsr.rbsurfacetiomaltumber gra\,rt' measur-elnents on the.surt-ace. Sclme of the llrvers,on solutton method conducted' one of them rs li.re' inversron lpyersion solution tested to knoi.l'rng, ltorv tlle solutlon obtained approxirnated initral model ciensity. The best inversion solution are base on its convergences- stabrliry'' solution and mtntmum rms. There are 5linier inversion r.nethod conducted in this research. namell', sinlple ltnter tnverston' siurple ,veigfit linier inversion, darnpilg prixed-determipation, danlprng rnrxed-derermination with pnory information and priory weighi dampirrg mixed-determination, tested 1n some of synthetic models The synthetic models are prism, dipping dyke and horizontal plate created from 3D perpendicular prism models. The result of inuersion d"pend on design model, rnput parameter and multiply f'actor of Lagrange. The mrxed-determination finrer rnversion method is the best method applied the synthetrc models Than the best inversion method obtained applied to time-lapse microgravity data The time-lapse microgravity data measured from June-NovemAei ZOOI on Kamojang geothermal .field Microgravify anomaly changes obtained from -200 to 100 microgal. The gravity changes are related tc density changes from -0.25 to + 0.30 grarn/cc in the 800 m depth of the resen'oir. Time-lapse microgravity anomaly distribution and densif, are controlled by place of the productron and injectron wells. Time-lapse microgravity anomaly distribution is also conirolled by rim-structure and i-aulti rn BL-TG (N 1400E) anJ BD-TL [N 600 E) in the Kamo.lang geothermal field