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ABSTRAK Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 1 Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 2 Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 5 Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

BAB 6 Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

PUSTAKA Rekha Kartika Tindaon
PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

Terbatas Yoninur Almira

One of the key aspects that influence sustainable conservation is the level of awareness of heritage value by the stakeholders, particularly local people. It is described through people’s attitudes or behaviors towards conservation and perceptions of management activities. However, practically, there is little involvement or participation of local community in the cultural heritage conservation management especially in the decision making process. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the factors contributing to community participation in Tanjungpinang heritage area and examine the effects of those factors on the three levels of community participation. A quantitative data collection method is used in the research by applying a questionnaire comprising of questionstatements on 180 respondents, which were answered in a 5-point Likert scale. The data was collected from both a purposive sampling and proportional random sampling of households in three heritage areas in Tanjungpinang City. The hypothesized relationship between factors and three levels of community participation was tested using partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and analysed using descriptive analysis. The results highlighted the importance of residents’ interest and knowledge of their community, the cultural heritage assets in their neighborhoods and the heritage conservation programs. The results also pointed on the importance of opportunities for local residents as key actors of community participation in the heritage conservation programs. Local residents are basically interested in being involved in three levels of community participation if local government can provide the suitable circumstances and opportunities to participate.