digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

ABSTRAK Kevin Hendra
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

In 2010, people with physical disabilities in Indonesia reached 1,852,866 people. One of the categories of it is the amputation below the elbow and bone in the forearm (transradial amputation). Patients with physical disabilities can be helped with prosthetic aids, but prosthetic aids that already exist in Indonesia do not have biomechanical functions, are expensive, and are uncomfortable when used for a long time. Based on these problems, research on the design of active prosthetic arms for the physically challenged under the elbow to provide a functional, comfortable, and affordable prosthetic arm design. The study was conducted using Lead User Analysis to identify user needs and continued with the Pahl and Beitz design method which divided the design into 4 phases, namely planning and clarifying the task, designing the product concept, designing the product form, and detailing the design. The results of this study are product specifications, product concepts, initial layouts, final layouts, and detailed product design documents with prosthetic fingers that can move and do not require a lot of energy to move them, in accordance with the purpose of this study, namely to produce an active prosthetic arm design affordable and can hold a glass / bottle filled with water. In addition, the target price of the product is also below 2.5 million in accordance with the amount borne by BPJS, durable because it uses materials that are tailored to the needs of users so as to produce prosthetic sleeve products that are durable and hardiness, and is driven using energy from body movements that makes the design of active prosthetic arms in this study different from products existing prosthetic arms/circulating in Indonesia.