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ABSTRAK Syifa Fauziah
PUBLIC yana mulyana

Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular-related medical problems suffered by community. Nowadays, herbal remedies are being incorporated into clinical practice of treating cardiovascular diseases on the basis of evidence-based medicine. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) may be one of the candidates to manage hypertension; however, its mechanism of action has not yet been determined. Moreover, information on the uses of herbal medicine proven effectively lowering blood pressure is not yet widely available. This study aimed to present literature review providing information on the traditional medicinal plants used for lowering blood pressure and to evaluate antihypertensive activity of cucumber fruit in hypertensive rats induced by dexamethasone. Literature search on PubMed and Google Scholar using particular keywords and inclusive criteria yielded 79 journals for further analysis. Studies suggested that Hibiscus sabdariffa L. and Punica granatum L. have shown promising BP reductions. Numerous plants that had been preclinically tested still required further study to complete their evaluation and needed cautions when consumed by hypertensive patients. To evaluate antihypertensive activity, rats were divided into groups, which are given: cucumber 9, 18, 27, or 36 mg/kg bw, amlodipine 0.45 mg/kg bw as standard or a combination of cucumber 36 mg/kg and amlodipine 0.45 mg/kg bw orally. BP was measured using CODA® tail-cuff blood pressure system, and data was analyzed statistically using SPSS software. Result indicated cucumber has antihypertensive activity that increases with increasing dosage that is inferior to amlodipine. Combination of cucumber and amlodipine failed to demonstrate more significant BP reductions, suggesting an indifference interaction.