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ABSTRAK Destiana Lovitarani
PUBLIC Taupik Abidin

Tourism development can be observed through analysing the fluctuation and improvement of life quality, either of visitors and/or local community. In order to determine its development however, it requires a descriptive and analytical estimation towards tourism resources of the destination. This research specifically aimed toward the local level of the issue i.e. community awareness. It was designated to analyse the visiting behaviour of Bandung citizens in visiting some tourism destinations with respect to the awareness level they perceived. Two main objectives were to explore the positioning of Bandung as tourism destination and to observe the effect of community awareness towards visitation. We integrated statistics and semi-structured interview to obtain positioning, meanwhile Agentbased Modelling was performed to observe the visiting pattern. The findings indicated the need of awareness perceived by Bandung citizens followed by its positive impact on the visitation in Bandung City.